Auto Role

The Auto-Role feature is meant to assign a person a role when they join the server.

You are able to specify what role(s) should be assigned to bot accounts upon join, and to people upon join.


Anitra requires the Manage Roles permission for this to work.

Anitra also needs to be above the role(s) you would like to add to the Auto Role feature.

Role hierarchy fix


Bot Accounts

Let's say that we want bot accounts to recieve the test-bot role, we would have run /autorole add bot role: @test-bot, and this would happen whenever a bot joins:

Role assigned to bot

User Accounts

Now let's say we wanted user accounts (people) to recieve the member role, we would then run /autorole add user role: @Member, which would then lead to this happen when ever a person joins:

Role assigned to a person

Removing the role(s)

Removing the role(s) that you no longer want to be assigned is as simple as /autorole remove <user|bot> role: @role, and Anitra will no longer assign these role(s) to the user/bot accounts.

If you would like to know which role(s) you are able to remove, run /autorole list. This will show the list of role(s) that Anitra originally was suppose to assign, which will then allow you to remove the role(s) you desire.